S =Standards = the upper petals of the flower

F= Falls = the lower petals of the flower

B= Beards = the fuzzy hairs on the upper part of the falls

SA =Space Age = Horns, spoons, flounces = the extended part of the beards, if any

HAFTS = the constricted part of the falls near the center of the iris flower.  

STYLE ARMS  = the small segments inside the heart of the flower, located above the beards.

TALL BEARDED (TB) IRIS are the largest and most popular form of bearded iris with flower stalks over 27 inches in height;  flowers 4 to 7 inches across, and stiff, erect ,well branched stalks.  They typically bloom later than most of the smaller bearded cultivars.  

INTERMEDIATE BEARDED (IB) IRIS have flower stalks from 16 to 27 inches in height and flowers 4 to 5 inches across.  They extend the iris growing season by blooming between the standard dwarf and the tall bearded cultivars.  They are vigorous growers and make excellent border plants.  

DYKES MEDAL, (DM)  The highest award an iris can receive.    Only one medal is given in any one year for an iris that performs well in gardens around the country.  .  

Bloom season abbreviations;  

E = early

L = late

M  = mid season

R or RE =  may rebloom again after the spring season in areas indicated

VE = very early

VL = very late